How to Uncover Anti-Benefits with ChatGPT

Use these prompts to uncover more reasons to buy

Happy Monday, AI Marketer!

Welcome to your weekly edition of the Marketing Prompts Guy’s newsletter.

My goal is to help you become an AI Marketer in only 2 minutes per week.

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Read time: 2 minutes

Today’s lesson: How to Uncover ANTI Benefits

When marketers think of features and benefits, they will often think of what you GET from a product or service.

But what you AVOID can be just as persuasive as what you get (sometimes more so).

Here’s an example series of prompts to explore the inverse of the value you’re providing, which can then be used for persuasive sales copy.


You are an expert direct response marketer and copywriter. You understand that consumers are looking to not only experience benefits, but want to avoid certain outcomes as well. I am a marketer building a SaaS platform that enables businesses to augment their standard digital marketing campaigns with SMS marketing. As my trusted direct response marketing advisor, you will guide walk me through the outcomes that my customers want to avoid. If you understand, say OK and nothing else.



Great. I'm marketing to two different audiences. The first audience hasn't considered SMS marketing before but is open to the idea. I want to educate them on the risks of not using SMS marketing, and what they would avoid by beginning to use SMS marketing. Please list all reasonable considerations you would mention in your marketing to this audience. 

Great, that's helpful. My second audience is considering SMS software solutions but is weighing the pros and cons of each option. I want to educate them on the potential pain points around using SMS software and the negative outcomes they will avoid by using my software instead of another option. Please list all reasonable considerations you would mention in your marketing to this audience. 

Thanks. Are there any compliance or regulatory concerns that these customers should be aware of, that could be used in my marketing material? For example, are there any laws and penalties governing SMS marketing that they should be aware of? 

Are you aware of the specific fines for TCPA and GDPR violations? If so please clarify, as pertains to SMS marketing. 

Now that you have a list of ANTI benefits (things your customers want to avoid), you can decide whether to frame them in a positive light or negative light, or combine them.


“Avoid up to $1,500 fines per message when protected by our stress-free compliance guarantee,” is probably more effective than “Stress-free compliance guarantee.”

By the way - I ran these prompts a few times in different prompt windows and got different responses.

I’d recommend doing the same for a thorough harvest of ideas.

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See you next week!

-The Marketing Prompts Guy

PS - I promise to give you valuable practical examples each week to become a 10x marketer with AI. Respond and let me know what your goals are so I can help you.